kanata is a taill young man wwwith a good build..... his hair is a cyan color, cut short,,, and sligh tly wavy.. kanata has a curved aehoge on the top of his head...... he has light green,,, narrow eyes.. he wears the schools unioform with a whiute shirt with the collar undone,,,, a green tie,,, and his blazer buttoned up... he wears brown loafers...... onnn stage,,,, he wears the blue color version of ryuseitais uniffform...... it includes a blue leaathe r jackettt with white accents and a blaccck shirt unnderneath...... he aalso wears black foirm-ffittin pants with a blue stripe down the middddl e oef each leg, accessorized with a star on a belt that hhhas blue and yellow strings danglin from ittt and wrap around the waist...... he also wears tall white boots with blue ACCENTS and a pair of black fingggerless gloves...
""Fish... ♪ Sea turtles... ♪ Drowned bodies... ♪"